Possibly just taping the outer cable down to the top tube so that the outer is in line with the clip would help.
I have three machines with Sturmeys - two have 'quadrant' levers on the top tube (see Sunbeam photo below), the other, a four speed which requires a handlebar trigger control, has a cable stop brazed on the top tube. This would be the best solution for you, but you would have the burnt paint problem to deal with.
Incidentally, the normal position for the S.A. pulley is at the top of the seat tube, rather than on the seat post. Moving it would perhaps give you a slightly better cable run, and so less pressure on the clip.
If it would help I'll photograph my cable set ups for you.
Thanks for the reply!
I realise my setup is unconventional, indeed the last time I had a Sturmey Archer pulley it was as you say on the seat tube, on a 1930s Sun Wasp tandem.
But here I'm being a bit stubborn, trying to avoid clutter on the frame and creating problems for myself... But yes otherwise I agree with all your points! If I can't find a better cable stop solution I'll revert to a more traditional system!
I've got actually got these! Funny you mention it! One Simplex, but I felt bad because it's part of the derailleur set (front and back, gold ones) so I didn't want to butcher. I also have a Camp at one, again felt bad butchering, because Campag...
But cheapo Huret if I find one, I wouldn't be so scrupulous.