Cheers, looks like it will do the job for the furniture at least. All the shed stuff seems to have some kind of colour to it which isn't what I want (although maybe I do, will have to discuss).
@Howard it is pressure treated but the instrucitons were pretty clear that it should be treated. It definitely looks a fair bit more weathered than it did last year and would prefer to avoid cracking/warping.
I've been after a non-coloured treatment too – I've just done a load of Ronseal Wood Preserver on some scaff boards I've used to make a planter. I thought that was going to be the end of it, but the instructions say it should be overpainted. My current feeling is to say fuck it and just see how it goes
I used this for garden furniture:
My sheds are painted with coloured Cupronol and Ronseal. Idk if you could use this too. I don't see why not, although decking oil might be cheaper and thinner/easier to apply and you're meant to wipe off excess oil on this stuff.