I think that's what they're getting at, the policy isn't awful, but the selling of it is appealing to people who aren't you. Ignore the the flag shagging and think a little deeper and nothing said is bad, but it dog whistles it's way to potential votes without committing to anything actually awful. I'd agree it's unnecessary with how the polls currently look, but I'm fully behind the "just get the Tories out" schtick, that'll be better, and more better can come after that.
dog whistles
unnecessary with how the polls currently look
and that's exactly it. it's unnecessary. call me naive but despite my low opinion of the party as it is I'd at least hope that Labour were above that tbh.
but a further right labour in power is still better than more Tories
In the short term, yes, but does that not just shift the overton window further right, and with it the Tories?
there's not really any other options
christ that's depressing
and that's why Corbyn's Labour did so well at two general elections.
jfc of course it fucking matters