Got a bit of time last night to start the build, a slightly improvement in the weather has given my a bit more motivation.
Fitted the BB, I did try hitting it with a rubber mallet first but that wasn’t going to work. My really rubbish headset press worked much better.
I’m not total sure I’m going to be sticking with the pacer fork, it’s just a bit too noodlee compared to the fat tubes of the mr pink.
3 Attachments
I think the fork looks great!
@HousecatHST started
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Got a bit of time last night to start the build, a slightly improvement in the weather has given my a bit more motivation.
Fitted the BB, I did try hitting it with a rubber mallet first but that wasn’t going to work. My really rubbish headset press worked much better.
I’m not total sure I’m going to be sticking with the pacer fork, it’s just a bit too noodlee compared to the fat tubes of the mr pink.
3 Attachments