It's all about scale though innit. 5 cranked watts of 6v6 through an efficient 8" speaker is pretty flipping loud in the average victortain terraced living room, but almost totally inaudible in a club next to your average drummer.
I do love mine as a living room friendly clean amp with a coupld of pedals. I know some folks are cable into amp purists and (as you say) cite a champ as all you need for great tone... that's only true if you can turn it up of course.
Thanks man. To be honest the reason I cranked it was because it sounds so meh at tickover. I usually have a pedalboard plugged into it with some drive and reverb at least, but because I was messing about with the EHX Mel9 pedal - i had the guitar going straight in. I was noodling about thinking, man this sounds lame.... I wonder if I can get away with turning this thing up?! hehe!