We've got 3 Red Robins on the road side. We already had a low brick wall so wanted to add interest. Also personally I think that curb appeal is a factor for front gardens in a way that doesn't apply to back gardens. Plus maintenance.
Not going to pretend wildlife was a factor in choosing it - the main thing for me was low maintenance, evergreen, not laural/similar, interesting... Plus some practicalities, drain, soil, etc However, it does have flowers and berries.
This is a dwarf variety so will basically just nudge over the wall. There are other varieties which are grow larger to various degrees so maybe have a look at those - you could mix them in with more nature focused options that way you get some of the laural practicality without having laural.
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Our neighbours keep insisting we put a hedge along the front of our house (we are the frontage to a private/unadopted road) as they all have delusions of grandeur.
It's caused weeks of rows between my wife and I as everyone keeps mentioning laurel as it's "so easy and grows really quickly". I hate the stuff and don't want to be trimming it 4 times a year to stop it hitting 15ft so Ive flat out rejected it.
Previous owners tried Beech which died and rotted away and now people are suggesting fences. Any suggestions on how to shut this down other than violence.