Dang, shame to hear about Bepanthen changing. This side of the pond, I use something called Aquaphor which is not available in the UK I don't think and its really great. However I recently started using 'Tattoo Goo' and its been really great. There's an anti bac wash, an immediate care thing and then a lotion to start putting on after a few days. The lotion really helps with itching, which nothing else has ever soothed or really helped with. Was great for my stomach.
Dang, shame to hear about Bepanthen changing. This side of the pond, I use something called Aquaphor which is not available in the UK I don't think and its really great. However I recently started using 'Tattoo Goo' and its been really great. There's an anti bac wash, an immediate care thing and then a lotion to start putting on after a few days. The lotion really helps with itching, which nothing else has ever soothed or really helped with. Was great for my stomach.