so i've got a threadless converter on to find the right stem length but this seems ok so i'll get a nice stem at the weekend
also i decided triples are cooler than 1x and these unused chainrings were selling cheap
somewhat regretting this as i got the rear set up easily but i'm still having trouble with the front derailleur (altho i haven't tried very hard yet)
other remaining things:
need a new seatpost but it's an akward size and not a priority
the bridgestone decals i got were comically small so i need to find some bigger ones
i would prefer to use my nitto rack but i can't get hold of the long struts to mount on the dropout eyelet
the kickstand was a nice idea but it tries to deploy itself on medium sized and above kerb drops so it will probably have to come off
i've only ridden it down to the park so far but it's goin to be fun to have around town, might even take it on some longer chill rides when it gets hot this yar
so i've got a threadless converter on to find the right stem length but this seems ok so i'll get a nice stem at the weekend
also i decided triples are cooler than 1x and these unused chainrings were selling cheap
somewhat regretting this as i got the rear set up easily but i'm still having trouble with the front derailleur (altho i haven't tried very hard yet)
other remaining things:
need a new seatpost but it's an akward size and not a priority
the bridgestone decals i got were comically small so i need to find some bigger ones
i would prefer to use my nitto rack but i can't get hold of the long struts to mount on the dropout eyelet
the kickstand was a nice idea but it tries to deploy itself on medium sized and above kerb drops so it will probably have to come off
i've only ridden it down to the park so far but it's goin to be fun to have around town, might even take it on some longer chill rides when it gets hot this yar
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