Ironically, one of the problems with Texas is domestic migration, with loads of people from other states moving to Texas, buying sequinned cowboy boots and Stetson hats, and acting like what they imagine Texans should act like: gun-obsessed, anti-govt, retrograde conservative whack jobs. They make friends with whack job Texans, and together they move the dial, and impact political dialogue as well as policy and legislative action.
Abbot is a dangerous man because he’s made a point of showing how strong and tough he is: carries a gun on his jogs, is pro lethal injection, puts illegals in cages and ships them to democratic states disregarding court orders, uses armed manpower to stand up to Big Govt Feds who illegitimately attacked the South and took away states’ rights 160 years ago… His base eat it up, without looking inward at the causes of it all. Since it’s a foundation of his power, he’s willing to stir up a fight to keep that image, even at a time of critical internal division across the States.
Ah, Texas. Plenty of people there, including some elected officials, who want the death penalty for women who have abortions. Here's a recent meeting: https://twitter.com/mrsamartini/status/1773160427981070620?t=sk_wYDuPHwg89Q4WqTwnlA
Texas governor Greg Abbott might turn out to be a more dangerous man than Trump.