Sounds like you might have already done it, but about the only plasterboard fixings I bother using anymore are the metal anchors like this: https://www.screwfix.com/p/easyfix-hollow-wall-anchors-8-16mm-m5-x-52mm-10-pack/12229?tc=BC6&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk6SwBhDPARIsAJ59GwcnPwvudm2nhI27huOrH-83EY99TVYZnsH0RnDFzPoIE1pREeLett4aAve2EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Yes you need a fixing tool, but they're absolutely solid. You can bigger/smaller ones depending on the weight needing to be hung. And I'd just ignore the middle hole on that bracket like others have said.
Nice one, yeah already done but I'm going to have to become well aquatinted with various types for different jobs. Have some IKEA Svalnas shelves to put up at some point which have verticals fixed at 3 points. Not sure if I should aim to fix right back through the boards and into the brick/block if possible.
Plasterboard fixings. Something I don't know a lot about, I've used Gripits a few times before, but I have a feeling they're not ideal for these rail brackets I need to put up in an alcove cupboard, with the two screw holes close together.
I have some Fischer duo-power plus already which I believe can be used that way. One side is an external wall but seems to be boarded, the other a very hollow sounding partition to the stairwell.
The rail will be for kiddy clothes so not massively heavy.