Random question but has anyone used any of the mobile tyre changing services around SE London?
Our BMW doesn't have a spare (hybrid so no space for one) and we have a flat - so need to get it sorted, but I don't fancy driving it to Croydon BMW on run flats....
Find the hole, take a countersunk wood screw about 3/4" long, and 'plug' the hole with it by screwing it in. Make sure the screw is short enough to not hit the rim, obvs. Fill the tyre and drive the repairers. They'll thank you for finding the cause of the puncture 😆
I booked a KwikFit mobile service when I needed all new four corners. It was not expensive to have them rock up and and the inside of the van has a full tyre machine and balancer. Even had full airbags to throw under the car to lift it. Quite quick and impressive.
Random question but has anyone used any of the mobile tyre changing services around SE London?
Our BMW doesn't have a spare (hybrid so no space for one) and we have a flat - so need to get it sorted, but I don't fancy driving it to Croydon BMW on run flats....