Got these cheap on sale and rate them highly
https://www.berghaus.com/men-s-hillwalker-ll-gtx-brown/13140036.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8J6wBhDXARIsAPo7QA-BRuZ-E-il8Q8h-tVNrKZ5IJIMCIXjAY8yAVtA5Eaa4XZlTce0BEMaAlJ1EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.dsAs others have said, it’s a very personal thing. Other boots have given me extensor or Achilles tendonitis - these haven’t and are light and thus far have been good for trudging typical British muddy trails.
Without rereading the whole thread, hiking boot recommendations?