what's the use case?
i have "difficult" feet and don't get on with goretex lined shoes / boots.
my current boots are these:
My favourite ever were a pair of Zamberlan but they don't make 'em like that anymore :(
The shoes that I get on best with are Scarpa Mojito, although they don't give much support.
Walking footwear is a really personal thing. I find that I can't tell if they are going to work for me until I've walked for over an hour, so as much as I've spent many hours trying on shoe in shops, walking up and down in the shop, it's really luck as to whether they are still comfortable after 10km.
I've bought and given away a rather large number of pairs of shoes as a result.
Got these cheap on sale and rate them highly
https://www.berghaus.com/men-s-hillwalker-ll-gtx-brown/13140036.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8J6wBhDXARIsAPo7QA-BRuZ-E-il8Q8h-tVNrKZ5IJIMCIXjAY8yAVtA5Eaa4XZlTce0BEMaAlJ1EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.dsAs others have said, it’s a very personal thing. Other boots have given me extensor or Achilles tendonitis - these haven’t and are light and thus far have been good for trudging typical British muddy trails.
Without rereading the whole thread, hiking boot recommendations?