I've got this drill driver, which I've had for 11 years. It's done wonders in that time but its time might be up. One battery is totally dead, the other is on its way out, and I think these batteries are now obsolete.
Should I:
a) Buy aftermarket batteries and plough on - in which case, any recommended brands?
b) Get a Ryobi drill driver to go with the one+ system for other tools I've got?
c) Buy a battery adapter which is apparently a thing and buy newer Dewalt batteries?
I've got this drill driver, which I've had for 11 years. It's done wonders in that time but its time might be up. One battery is totally dead, the other is on its way out, and I think these batteries are now obsolete.
Should I:
a) Buy aftermarket batteries and plough on - in which case, any recommended brands?
b) Get a Ryobi drill driver to go with the one+ system for other tools I've got?
c) Buy a battery adapter which is apparently a thing and buy newer Dewalt batteries?
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