Sounds like you might have already done it, but about the only plasterboard fixings I bother using anymore are the metal anchors like this: https://www.screwfix.com/p/easyfix-hollow-wall-anchors-8-16mm-m5-x-52mm-10-pack/12229?tc=BC6&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk6SwBhDPARIsAJ59GwcnPwvudm2nhI27huOrH-83EY99TVYZnsH0RnDFzPoIE1pREeLett4aAve2EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Yes you need a fixing tool, but they're absolutely solid. You can bigger/smaller ones depending on the weight needing to be hung. And I'd just ignore the middle hole on that bracket like others have said.
Plasterboard fixings. Something I don't know a lot about, I've used Gripits a few times before, but I have a feeling they're not ideal for these rail brackets I need to put up in an alcove cupboard, with the two screw holes close together.
I have some Fischer duo-power plus already which I believe can be used that way. One side is an external wall but seems to be boarded, the other a very hollow sounding partition to the stairwell.
The rail will be for kiddy clothes so not massively heavy.
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