I’ve never made a ladybird house but I did change my approach to bastard aphid last year and experienced a ladybird bonanza. Previously I would laboriously spray plants with neem oil and horticultural soap but last year I let nature do its thing. To begin with the aphid were clearly winning and munching the hell out of the new growth. Sometimes I’d go on a squishing mission or give badly afflicted plants a hose blast but after a while the ladybirds really kicked in and policed the problem. I noticed this week that each euphoria stem seemed to have its own ladybird in residence so maybe they’re a natural hotel?!
Yeah I keep meaning to get the neem oil out, but just havent got round to it. Tbh I've always found the whole measuring out of such a weak solution of a grim concentrate a fucker too.
I've previously had success on my hibiscus with the lave so just went for it again.
I’ve never made a ladybird house but I did change my approach to bastard aphid last year and experienced a ladybird bonanza. Previously I would laboriously spray plants with neem oil and horticultural soap but last year I let nature do its thing. To begin with the aphid were clearly winning and munching the hell out of the new growth. Sometimes I’d go on a squishing mission or give badly afflicted plants a hose blast but after a while the ladybirds really kicked in and policed the problem. I noticed this week that each euphoria stem seemed to have its own ladybird in residence so maybe they’re a natural hotel?!