Is Bailey a swimmer in general? Crumpet was always a bit nervous of water when she was younger but loves a swim now. We encouraged her to come and paddle about with us when we were at the beach one day and I think it showed her that it was alright.
She doesn't really chase the ducks in Crystal Palace Park but does sort of bob about with them, the extent of her athletic ability.
Hopefully the Egyptian geese have their little ones there again this year! -
When training Ada it's been 99% positive reinforcement. The 1% I've saved for extreme situations like when she tried to chase sheep and I didn't have a good enough hold of the long line. Which was a stressful couple of minutes. After that I deliberately sought out sheep (with her on the lead) and very very firmly told her off whenever she showed the slightest interest in them. Like even looking at them for more than a second or two. I think I could pretty confidently walk her through a field of sheep now without stressing. Though would have her on lead anyway.
She's shown relatively little interest in ducks, but would do something similar if I thought there was a risk.
Of course she's not really wired for hunting so this is possibly irrelevant to you. All the sighthound people I know have gps trackers for when they disappear after a squirrel ...
Sorting a new harness this weekend. But the real reason for taking this picture is: there’s a golden retriever in that pond easing five ducks. Looks like it’s having a time of its life. How do I both encourage and discourage this behaviour or do I just accept chaos is in my life.
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