I bought a Raleigh Chiltern on eBay. Very cheap. It'll need a bit of love / re greasing throughout, etc. but is otherwise almost perfect, everything original it seems. I'm planning to keep it at work, for lunch break errands on days I've commuted on the motorbike, or so I tell myself (because I only very rarely have time to do anything... Of course I didn't need that bike!). I just had that uncontrollable wish for an old/very basic/cheap bike. Having picked it up tonight, I'm immensely pleased despite the cheapness all round (pressed steel brake calipers, cheap chromed cotter pin cranks, plastic Brooks, etc.
Cheap modest old simple bikes give me so much satisfaction. Not sure why.
(Seller's picture)
I bought a Raleigh Chiltern on eBay. Very cheap. It'll need a bit of love / re greasing throughout, etc. but is otherwise almost perfect, everything original it seems. I'm planning to keep it at work, for lunch break errands on days I've commuted on the motorbike, or so I tell myself (because I only very rarely have time to do anything... Of course I didn't need that bike!). I just had that uncontrollable wish for an old/very basic/cheap bike. Having picked it up tonight, I'm immensely pleased despite the cheapness all round (pressed steel brake calipers, cheap chromed cotter pin cranks, plastic Brooks, etc.
Cheap modest old simple bikes give me so much satisfaction. Not sure why.
(Seller's picture)
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