Struggling to find the answer to this question - what sort of sand should I mix with soil to dress the top of the lawn?
All the searches bring back people telling the question asker that you need special lawn dressing which contains various special stuff, with the aim of improving the lawn.
I've got about ¼ of a ton bag of spare soil from our raised beds and I just want to level a few bits. Nothing special. So I just want to get a few bags of sand to mix in with some of it. What type do I get?
Struggling to find the answer to this question - what sort of sand should I mix with soil to dress the top of the lawn?
All the searches bring back people telling the question asker that you need special lawn dressing which contains various special stuff, with the aim of improving the lawn.
I've got about ¼ of a ton bag of spare soil from our raised beds and I just want to level a few bits. Nothing special. So I just want to get a few bags of sand to mix in with some of it. What type do I get?