Emptied mine out today due to impending house move. I haven't even used it in recent months, last time was to turn it all over because it'd compacted at the bottom and gone anaerobic 🤢 seemed to do the trick, all pretty rotted now, possibly a bit wet though.
Think my plan in the new place will be to empty it more regularly, even before it's fully composted and chuck it a regular open compost heap with some added browns to finish off. Also bought a shredder to keep myself stocked with shredded card 😆 sunk cost fallacy.
I took a couple of bags out of the bottom but next weekend I might try emptying the whole thing because otherwise you can't get to the compost at the back as the stuff on top collapses. I think to really get the most out of it you need to be able to jumble up the contents to keep it nice and airy