• Downstairs feels really different. Hard to explain, but it feels more still, and muffled. You can definitely sense the insulation under the floor. I think it should be much more comfortable. The thermostat is showing higher indoor temperatures but it's really hard to compare like for like with weather changing.

  • I lament the inflexible planning laws in the UK that cockblock you being able to flatten your busted old Victorian dump and build a near-passive replacement for far less cost than extending and retrofitting.

    Being in a modern, well-insulated, well-constructed building with good airtightness and ventilation is an absolute revelation compared to the bulk of UK housing stock...

  • I don't know that you couldn't. Would the council really say no? None of the houses on my street are listed or protected. They let people pave over the front gardens, turn them into 6-bed HMOs (basically battery hen living), pebble dash them, whatever. I'm sure they'd let you knock one down.

  • No way an equivalent new build would be cheaper. Also it would be an embodied carbon and resource extraction disaster. We need to make it easier to retrofit, not demolish.
