We sometimes use it at work on drives and heavy traffic areas, bikes, trolly. We dig out, membrane, mot, crushed limestone/gravel and the wacker it, with a wet top. It’s rock hard and lasts ok as long as you don’t turn on it. Light rain drains straight through, heavy rain pools and runs off. You also get light coloured dust everywhere in use and laying it. In low traffic areas like seldom used paths we just dig out, membrane, crushed limestone, level off and either hand roller it, hand rammer or just let the rain settle it. Rain runs straight through no matter how hard it’s pouring. Loose laying is a bit more maintenance as you have to give it a rake over and top up if it starts to dip or get holes in it.
Personally I think it looks awful and we get comments about when are we going to finish the tarmacing?
Having a look on YouTube you'll still need a type 1 mot base and a wacker/compactor machine.
It's basically a lot like laying a patio but with a few of the messy steps taken out.