It's well known that the current government's fiscal plan is a fiction, and that Labour are playing along with it to get elected. They talk about operating within it, so as not to give the media a stick with which to beat them, see Labour always put up taxes attack lines by the Tories, even though they've increased taxes more than any government since WW2.
As soon as they take office they are going to have to say that the countries finances are in a fucking mess, and we need to do something about it, placing the blame squarely on the Tories for fucking us over. Taxes will go up for the rich, but the Labour leadership know, and the electorate know, that the country can't afford five more years of austerity as by the end of that period the country would be royally fucked.
Is it a sensible plan to play along with this fiction to get elected? I don't know, but it seems to be working for now.
The Tories have absolutely fucked the country and the economy, in no small part due to Brexit. The next government is going to have a massive job on their hands to restore services, lift millions of people out of poverty and rebuild an economy that is going in rapid decline.
Starmer and his team want to win the election so, whether you agree with it or not, their tactics are built on letting the Tories demonstrate they are unfit to govern and promising very little in terms of policy because they know the government finances are fucked. It's dull, it's uninspring, but with a huge lead in the opinion polls, it's good enough to achieve the main goal.
What happens after the election we don't know, as any policy agenda has to be built on solid financial footings, but I don't for one second think we'll have a Cameron-like government.