Not sure that urban myth is the right phrase, but know of the licence thing and the id being someone else's.
When I couriered, they were some companies that paid less and asked less questions. Could see that happening. Back in the late 90s 20k was a great deal to some.
The ID and license thing are entirely possible I had a close friend who worked for the same company under 3 names as he lost his and 2 brothers licenses.
There were also Ghost riders who I knew had left the country but still appeared to have cancelled or duplicated jobs allocated them they were paid with a cashable cheque
(I was a very junior controller who whiled away boring solo Saturday shifts finding the scams)
The person who told me was very reliable and had some accurate detail I’ve left out.
I used to pick up fairly weighty gold bars from a place in Hatton Garden, and bags of foreign currency from Travelex.
And of course lots of drugs