This would have been 2015 in Bariloche. It was the best rate we ever got - I want to say ~$14 vs $8 at the official rate.
We were quite picky about the quality of the notes, as in some countries people are fussy and we didn't want to get fucked over. The guys looked bumused, but humoured us. Later when someone gave us $2 in change which was a celotaped $1 with a $1 coin celotaped to that I realised why we must have seemed so odd.
The very first time we bought Blue Dollars it was off the back of trying to buy legit ones from the bank and the queue being out the door. With every other person offering them, buying at the official rate seemed like a really shit way to spend the afternoon.
Brings back memories of 2 months in Argentina and Chile (although this was back in 2008 when the currency was slightly less fucked).
Asking the hostel "Where is the best place to change some US Dollars?" often got some very favourable rates from people at the hostel or friends thereof.