Out of interest, what was the behaviorists argument against standing around and letting the dogs play? I'm just back from morning walk and it's joyous to stand with a nice group of folk as our dogs play really well around us. Everyone's keeping a eye to check that play stays on the right tracks but dogs all playing really well, taking (and respecting) breaks when they want to and engaging positively at other times. Hard to see anything wrong with it from where I was standing.
Broadly speaking engagement/disengagement skills and the ability to interact with dogs outside of that circle/environment. My local park has a regular group that does exactly what you describe with one another but are reactive with dogs that don't engage in the same way. Other dog walkers i know in the area give them a wide birth and quite often don't feel like they can be in the same space as them. Of course it's normal to let dogs play and blow off steam but the reality is too many people don't mix it up with the walking, playing etc. Sadly i've seen quite a few puppies develop behaviour problems as they go through teens into adult dogs because of this.
There are at least a half dozen dogs i regularly come across that are the sweetest, goofiest most playful characters i've met. However i've barely had a nod from their owners as they rarely stop and simply call there dog away once its said hello. At no point does the dog look like it's being robbed of a good time. Nori gets lots of praise and a treat for a sniff and leave and almost always looks thrilled by the interaction!
Good tips from Loz, I'm SE26 and timing in any of the parks is key. In my experience earlier is when you get the more attentive dog walkers, the dogs disposition is much less of an issue if people are paying attention. Crystal Palace park is great because you're generally always moving forward rather than standing around letting there dogs play like people do in smaller parks (EDIT: comment not clear, see discussion below...). Nori doesn't have great recall and can be reactive but is 90% off lead there as we are generally breezing past one another. I've noted a lot more people with there dogs on lead recently and they almost always thank me when i put Nori back on lead when passing. To me that's just standard dog owner protocol.
I haven't been this year but Wells park was an on lead park so it could be that!