• #86777
Potentially be able to afford residential / live in / any sort of care
• #86778
When Amber Heard and Johnny Depp were in court, more than half of the anti-Amber social media posts were generated by bots. https://www.newstatesman.com/culture/radio-podcasts/2024/03/who-trolled-amber-heard-tortoise?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1710414372
• #86779
I've got it all planned out.....
• #86781
I think Tortoise Media ran a multi-part podcast on that.
• #86782
Starship launch in 5 mins https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-us-canada-68546912
• #86783
Is LFGSS on the extremism list yet?
Joking aside, I find this redefinition extremely troubling and completely open to abuse by the government.
• #86784
"the promotion or advancement of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance, that aims to:
- negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others; or
- undermine, overturn or replace the UK's system of liberal parliamentary democracy and democratic rights; or
- intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve the results in (1) or (2)."
- negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others; or
• #86785
Could it be that this is just a 4d chess move by Gove to take out ¾ of Tory MPs?
• #86786
Hmm, political parties that seek to disenfranchise specific groups must fall under the first bullet point.
• #86787
I guess this must the strand of old school christianity that owned slaves.
• #86788
I mean genuinely, 30p Lee's comments about ignoring the rule of law for, and deporting, immigrants and asylum seekers?
Wind Rush?
We could be here all day couldn't we?
• #86789
I can't help but feel his remarks don't quite fit here though.
"An ideology" could be met I think.
But are we saying it's bullet 1, and it's her fundamental freedom to life that's being negated or destroyed?
• #86790
86352 was aimed at the Tories requiring photo id to vote.
• #86791
negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others;
Have they defined this somewhere. They seem to be leaving themselves open to a lot of court cases otherwise.
• #86792
This is the basis for a round of the New Quiz isn't it?
"you each take successive turns to name a Tory policy or person that falls fowl of their revised definition of extremism until one team cannot give an example. To ensure the show stays in the time slot given to us by Radio 4, we will limit this round to 50 answers. Each."
• #86793
They could quite easily go after unions with this too. Advocate a strike in the wrong industry, etc...
• #86794
bbc r.4 news putting the russian election into context.
- putin likely to win another 6 year term, with most of his opponents are either dead, in prison or in exile, as voting starts tonight.
- putin likely to win another 6 year term, with most of his opponents are either dead, in prison or in exile, as voting starts tonight.
• #86795
Tomorrow: Putin wins 227% of the vote.
• #86796
It’s about time MI6 offed him.
• #86797
Why the world cannot afford the rich
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00723-3 -
• #86798
Some members or ex members are on the list.
• #86799
Just spotted on a screen over someone's shoulder that Obama's in town - gone into No10?
• #86800
Trump unable to post $460M bond.
It's more likely you'll be trying to keep them at home, as by the time they've got a rent deposit saved you'll need their help going to the toilet.