Yes, my engine is petrol and I can't afford the HUGE fortune required for an EV camper. The numbers for biomethane seem positive to me, and many HGV fleets are committed to it as you say. It's accepted as a plank of net zero targets in Europe. Lots of filling stations being built. The cost of conversion is higher than LPG. I haven't worked out the cost per mile for refuelling.
Yes, my engine is petrol and I can't afford the HUGE fortune required for an EV camper. The numbers for biomethane seem positive to me, and many HGV fleets are committed to it as you say. It's accepted as a plank of net zero targets in Europe. Lots of filling stations being built. The cost of conversion is higher than LPG. I haven't worked out the cost per mile for refuelling.
Does the Renewable Fuels Assurance Scheme allay concerns about leaks?