How have you found them on shorter efforts?
I did my 10x800 session. Target split was 2m56 and I was faster throughout, last 3 reps were sub 2m50 and whilst my HR mirrored 5k effort through the reps I wasn't maxing out like at the end of a race so could've pushed a bit harder I think.
I'd put the times massively down to the shoes.
The session is used to predict Marathon finish time but as I couldn't hold sub 3 pace for even 10 miles of my long run last week I'm not daft enough think a low 2h50 is in range off these numbers.
Like @duncs I don’t think yassos are a good predictor but it is a solid workout… for me it’s about 10 mins too optimistic…
How have you found them on shorter efforts? I’m not a huge fan but others rate them. I’ve found they suit me best for an intervals session or shorter distance but as I don’t enjoy running in them that much anything more than that feels a bit of a chore