Gravel on top of the soil is a very effective water retaining mulch. Try digging some out on a hot day and you'll see it's moist underneath. Gravel mixed into the soil improves drainage and all things being equal will leave them dryer.
In the South, dahlias can be left over winter with a good compost/manure mulch to protect them, but that assumes they have been in the soil and growing the season before. I still wouldn't be trying to start them from tubers outside at this time of year. For my money I'd get them going inside then harden them off and plant them outside in May.
Gravel on top of the soil is a very effective water retaining mulch. Try digging some out on a hot day and you'll see it's moist underneath. Gravel mixed into the soil improves drainage and all things being equal will leave them dryer.
In the South, dahlias can be left over winter with a good compost/manure mulch to protect them, but that assumes they have been in the soil and growing the season before. I still wouldn't be trying to start them from tubers outside at this time of year. For my money I'd get them going inside then harden them off and plant them outside in May.