I haven't, but having used both now I think I would definitely consider hand grinders almost equally to electric. THe main downside being time and capacity for multiple espressos.
I have a ZP6 special and it's brilliant. I was initially confused by the draw down time not changing much, if at all, grind setting, but if you just ignore draw down time then you find you can get nice brews on pretty coarse and pretty fine settings. It does defy convention a bit, but it's actually very forgiving.
I have a pretty basic electric grinder, that has been replaced with a ROC grinder.
I didn’t want to fork out for nice electric grinder when I could spend a lot less and get as good or better grind quality.
Unless the daughters grow up to be espresso aficionados I doubt I’ll ever need the added capacity of an electric grinder
Has anyone gone from electric back to manual grinders? I've still got my JMax for sale, but considering selling the Niche instead. I so rarely make espresso these days so I would keep the Jmax for that, and get a ZP6 for filter. Selling the niche would pay for more than the cost of the ZP6 so seems like a win win