I've been rejigging my pension - to bin the UK tracker funds based on the above! I'll switch to a global tracker - a few years too late, but probably better than never.
Is it OK to just put everything in one fund, eg HSBC FTSE All-World Index, which Monervator reckons is the best / cheapest one, or is it a thing to split it between a few, in case HSBC goes under?
I've been rejigging my pension - to bin the UK tracker funds based on the above! I'll switch to a global tracker - a few years too late, but probably better than never.
Is it OK to just put everything in one fund, eg HSBC FTSE All-World Index, which Monervator reckons is the best / cheapest one, or is it a thing to split it between a few, in case HSBC goes under?