As far as I'm concerned, this machine would not look as good with a poxy old school stem.
I love how we've got folks arguing against the whole point of this thread: get an old frame and blitz it up.
Can't folks get with the hotrod vibe? If that Colnago fork was one iota less cool, I'd be advocating for a Columbus Minimal. As it is, I've always thought it a terrible shame there wasn't some of the frame's fancy paint around the crown to tie it in...
It’s also never going to look right.
Quil stems on older frames are, undoubtedly not the ultimate performance choice- but then neither is an old steel frame.
Take from them what they have to offer- which is often a great handling, fast and comfortable ride whilst looking beautiful. Don’t go chasing modern bike performance and lose a huge chunk of the visual appeal that is available with this era of frame.