I meant to qualify this a bit yesterday but I didn't have some of the details to hand.
For LG or F&B colours I have been using a specialised primer and top coat. I get the primer from Ray Munns (Global Paint / Baseprimer X-tra) and the top coat from Papers & Paints (Mylands Wood and Metal in some cases).
Most of the exterior painting I do is in white gloss because it's the most durable exterior finish. I have been using Zinsser Allcoat for about 6 years, since it was launched and have seen good results with it. I also use it for Satin Black on railings etc.
I have had early failure on railings from F&B and LG exterior paint so I don't use them anymore. Both F&B and LG are more difficult to apply especially in heat than Allcoat or the other paints I've been using.
There's a development in the acrylic paints over the last couple of years that brings them very close to oil paint in the way they handle.
I have had some great success with the old oil based Dulux Weathershield system but I don't use oil based paints any more wherever possible for all the reasons (except durability).
The only big name system I couldn't understand what the fuss was about is Sikkens oilbased. Some people loved it though.
At the moment I'm using BIN Aqua primer with AllCoat Exterior on top. Roll it and expect to do 4 coats. You can get the primer tinted for the black side. Gloss will be more durable than Satin.