No word on how the meals will be distributed. There are no trucks or drivers to do it.
How are people supposed to survive in the meantime?
According to one Humanitarian Law expert and UN official, airdrops and an eventual pier to deliver food aid are known to be ineffective in these situations: there’s no way to ship in enough food to stave off famine without a ceasefire and mass influx of support, there’s no infrastructure to distribute the food properly, it’s all a literal war zone, tens of thousands of people with medical conditions and advanced stages of starvation have special dietary needs… Basically, this chap interviewed by Reuters says it’s a “cynical” ploy by Biden to win over the concerned US electorate, because they’re not even reducing the much more plentiful military support given to Israel at this time.
The US Army has provided details of the temporary pier. It'll take 60 days to build and provide up to 2m meals per day. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3702071/dod-to-construct-pier-to-deliver-humanitarian-aid-to-gaza/
No word on how the meals will be distributed. There are no trucks or drivers to do it.
How are people supposed to survive in the meantime? Israel is turning away 4 out of 5 aid trucks. The air drops provide 100,000 meals per week.
The drop which killed people was done by a UAE plane using the wrong type of parachute https://taskandpurpose.com/news/uae-c17-deadly-airdrop/?utm_term=Task%26Purpose_Today_03.09.24&utm_campaign=Task%20%26%20Purpose_TPToday_Actives_Dynamic&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email