This is my point put in a more accurate way.
If the answer to why we have had so many years of corruption, self serving politicians, excessive capitalism, redistribution of wealth from working people to billionaires, ignoring and encouraging climate change, support for genocide etc etc etc is because they are Cs then it feels a bit blunt and alienating to a large proportion of people.
Sorry to use the term, but I mostly use it for pretty large issues. It's kinda hard not to call those things out, after so many years of those things you mention getting worse, without using loaded terms as a shorthand.
I do think this forum's generally pretty good at analysing this stuff, so it's not as if that's all there is.
It's certainly tedious. It has the effect for me of drowning out actual points under a wave of everything being cuntworthy™. If everything warrants the term then nothing does. Which is exactly what the Tories would want