What do we think is the best back wheel option for rim brake tt bike
Current cheap vision back wheel which I know fits nicely with a 23mm tyre, with an added disc cover
a new prime primavera 80mm deep wheel
Another option in similar £200-300max range
Mostly for tri use- sprints, half iron, not generally super hilly but not flat drag strips either
Doesn’t need to be used for training, vision wheels can do this job for now
Disc cover I would say every time. Likely to be faster than a 80mm new wheel and a lot cheaper. And you already know the existing wheel fits the frame.
What do we think is the best back wheel option for rim brake tt bike
Mostly for tri use- sprints, half iron, not generally super hilly but not flat drag strips either
Doesn’t need to be used for training, vision wheels can do this job for now