Thanks - post mil version here.
Did you notice how much it dropped the GH temp? Tempted.
Hard to say as I was measuring the temp using the strips at the front of the GH before, and I'm measuring at the back with the digital now.
Before, if I pulled a shot around 75-80 on the strips by the time I went to pull another the temp would be into the 90s. Now, after I pull, the GH temp will gently decrease and is pretty back to temp by the time I'm ready.
Mines a pre-mil, from what I read the Isolators make less of difference on post-mils.
@Goyt: should be a link here https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175393073275?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=n2F4locSTKG&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=rLu3GA3cRRy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Happy with it so far. The GH temp is definitely more manageable. It's possible to do back to back shots without having to turn the machine off or reach for the bowl of cold water. It's a DIY produced kit, so a collection of bits and pieces compared to the machine made Bong Isolator, but it's cheaper and less visible once fitted (especially, when I've taken a marker too it). Took about a week to arrive and 15 minutes to fit it along with the thermometer.