We're with Plusnet, the other day the internet went off. Spoke to them, problem on the line somewhere near our house so booked an engineer to come the next morning. Engineer doesn't turn up, I call to find out why and they said it was cancelled because Openreach made a note that it's a bigger issue and marked critical. Ended up taking 1 1/2 days to resolve, I reckon someone had snipped an optical cable. Just had an email saying because of the cancelled engineer they're giving me £30 credit. I'm not mad at that, a world away from the experience I've had with Virgin Media in the past.
That’s not a bad turnaround and goodwill gesture, tbf. Glad you’re back online now - it’s a bit of a pain with hybrid working being the norm for anyone with a desk job!
We're with Plusnet, the other day the internet went off. Spoke to them, problem on the line somewhere near our house so booked an engineer to come the next morning. Engineer doesn't turn up, I call to find out why and they said it was cancelled because Openreach made a note that it's a bigger issue and marked critical. Ended up taking 1 1/2 days to resolve, I reckon someone had snipped an optical cable. Just had an email saying because of the cancelled engineer they're giving me £30 credit. I'm not mad at that, a world away from the experience I've had with Virgin Media in the past.