He told me last night they did a nerve block and he’s due for op on Tuesday now. I guess it’s a messy one if they need the extra day to get the right surgeons in.
Jesus I’m glad he’s alright all things considered. That’s heavy duty.
My boots saved me for sure when bike pinned me on the kerb when I got doored. I’ll look into proper knee armour.
Knee armour is a tough one. There's only so much room under your kit and hard armour seems too bulky on the road... that said I feel even more inclined now to wear a hard armour over my jeans as I really doubt the ghost armour will offer enough protection come the day I'm off.
He told me last night they did a nerve block and he’s due for op on Tuesday now. I guess it’s a messy one if they need the extra day to get the right surgeons in.