It's a 12V gel battery about 150mm long - standby battery for an alarm system, 'rescued' from a skip at work. Normally I'd use a mains adapter, but it happened to be on the bench at the time.
The lens was needed for use with my previous phone - a Nokia slide (2200?) with limited capabilities: nailing an additional lens in front made enough of a difference.
Current phone is an elderly Galaxy A10 - as far as I know, it doesn't have a macro mode. Will investigate Mrs. E's (newer) phone and report back...
For comparison:
Nokia 3.1 plus, external lens, 2560 x 1920
Nokia slide 3600, external lens, 1280 x 960 pixels
Nokia 3.1 plus, macro mode, 2560 x 1920
I had some difficulty in focussing in 'macro' mode - had to find things to stand the phone on, lifting it to around 105mm before it could focus - possibly a newer / higher spec phone would do it better?
Here's my phone based lash-up: MDF box, 12v LED, light box acrylic and a 3D printed structure that holds the negative strip flat, masks each frame to prevent exposure problems, aligns the camera parallel to the negative, and carries a salvaged lens which allows a low spec phone to cover the negative without silly zoom levels.
It's not marvellous, but good enough to avoid the need to set up an enlarger or drag out a Windows XP machine to drive an ancient PlusTek 7200...