do you mean you can't hear anything through your left ear?
Since going to the docs all these times for my tinnitus, one of them recommended I use one of these rubbers balls with a spout (Ohrenspritze) that shoots water into the ear. Did you ever try something like this? Now whenever I have a blocked ear (which is basically never now that I use these ear spritzers) I just lean over the sink and squirt away.
do you mean you can't hear anything through your left ear?
Since going to the docs all these times for my tinnitus, one of them recommended I use one of these rubbers balls with a spout (Ohrenspritze) that shoots water into the ear. Did you ever try something like this? Now whenever I have a blocked ear (which is basically never now that I use these ear spritzers) I just lean over the sink and squirt away.