I’ve started on pimping up an old Raleigh Royal I was given a few years ago.
It’s a bit of a beater but it’s getting some brazing done anyway so it doesn’t really matter.
First job has been to increase the tyre clearance. The seat stays were fine (I probably need to move the brake bridge right enough) but the chainstays were pretty narrow so I’ve removed the bridge, chopped some out the stays and brazed in a bit of larger diameter tubing. 45mm tyres now fit fine.
I’ll be adding canti bosses and probably revamp/modernise some of the cable routing.
While working on it today I noticed a bit of a ripple on the downtube just behind the head lug. It’s pretty minimal and there doesn’t seem to be a matching one on the toptube so I’m pressing on with the mods and using it.
I’ve started on pimping up an old Raleigh Royal I was given a few years ago.
It’s a bit of a beater but it’s getting some brazing done anyway so it doesn’t really matter.
First job has been to increase the tyre clearance. The seat stays were fine (I probably need to move the brake bridge right enough) but the chainstays were pretty narrow so I’ve removed the bridge, chopped some out the stays and brazed in a bit of larger diameter tubing. 45mm tyres now fit fine.
I’ll be adding canti bosses and probably revamp/modernise some of the cable routing.
While working on it today I noticed a bit of a ripple on the downtube just behind the head lug. It’s pretty minimal and there doesn’t seem to be a matching one on the toptube so I’m pressing on with the mods and using it.
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