Liz Truss, "In Britain we only have 100 political appointees.. None of them run gov departments.. Every gov dept, every agency is a permanent civil servant"
Steve Bannon, "How can Britain be saved?"
LT, "We need to change that.. When I got into No 10, I thought I got to the top of the tree and could implement policies"
SB, "You thought you'd become like Churchill and change the country?"
LT, "Exactly.. And what I discovered, I was not holding the levers.. The levers were held by the Bank of England, the Office of Budget Responsibility, they weren't held by the Prime Minister, or the Chancellor"
SB, "Are you a conspiracy theory person? You almost sound like warroom, your'e MAGA"
LT, "If the Bank of England governor can't be sacked and the Prime Minister can be sacked, then the BoE will have more power than the PM. That is a problem in a democracy"
"The left have infiltrated our campuses, infiltrating our schools, our corporations. It's not enought to take the White House, it's not enough to take the Senate. You've got to change a hell of a lot of what's going on in our countries"
"Rather than pursing making money and hiring people, British corporations are pursuing woke-economics"
SB, "We have a Trump who is an armour piecing shell and we're developing a cadre of millions of people.. Our movement is getting more mature"
LT, "We need a cadre of people who are prepared to serve, we need Conservatives who are prepared to fight, and we need grass roots people who will back real Conservatives, and put real pressure on Conservative MPs to be Conservative"
"We've got a massive problem with immigration in Britain but we cannot deport immigrants because the left is fighting us in the courts. So we need Conservatives who are prepared to overturn that"
SB, "Nigel Farage said you're going to have a radical Islamic party have seats in the next election. Is that true?"
LT, "There's going to be a by-election in the next few weeks and there could be a radical Islamic party win in that byelection"
SB, "You're saying an Islamic radical party in a couple of weeks.. Is it one of these midland urban areas?"
LT, "Rochdale"
SB, "The one that had the rape situation, the grooming? In that community you may have a radical jihadist party send someone to the House of Commons?"
LT, "That is correct"
SB, "How are you going to save a country with that chain of events?"
LT, "The vast majority of Britons don't want this to happen. They don't want to be a country that is subject to Islamic terrorism. A country that backs Hamas. We have to reflect the people of Britain's views. That's why we need to take on these extreme leftists"
"We haven't done enough to crack down on the pro Hamas marches. We haven't done enough to crack down on environmental extremists. You can't triangulate with terrorists, you've got to take them on"
SB, "I really feel for the UK"
LT, "We're going to save it.. My book is about telling the people the truth about what's going on in Britain, why things aren't working"
SB, "Is she tough enough to turn Britain around?"
LT, "I need a few more friends to be frank, I need a few more people to help me.. Steve if you could come over to Britain"
SB, "I may be banned in Britain"
LT, "Would you work with Nigel Farage to restructure the Tory party?"
SB, "I will work with whoever it takes to make our country successful.. And Nigel, I would like him to become a member of the Conservative party and help turn our country around"
Christ I hope this a parody/fake:
Liz Truss, "In Britain we only have 100 political appointees.. None of them run gov departments.. Every gov dept, every agency is a permanent civil servant"
Steve Bannon, "How can Britain be saved?"
LT, "We need to change that.. When I got into No 10, I thought I got to the top of the tree and could implement policies"
SB, "You thought you'd become like Churchill and change the country?"
LT, "Exactly.. And what I discovered, I was not holding the levers.. The levers were held by the Bank of England, the Office of Budget Responsibility, they weren't held by the Prime Minister, or the Chancellor"
SB, "Are you a conspiracy theory person? You almost sound like warroom, your'e MAGA"
LT, "If the Bank of England governor can't be sacked and the Prime Minister can be sacked, then the BoE will have more power than the PM. That is a problem in a democracy"
"The left have infiltrated our campuses, infiltrating our schools, our corporations. It's not enought to take the White House, it's not enough to take the Senate. You've got to change a hell of a lot of what's going on in our countries"
"Rather than pursing making money and hiring people, British corporations are pursuing woke-economics"
SB, "We have a Trump who is an armour piecing shell and we're developing a cadre of millions of people.. Our movement is getting more mature"
LT, "We need a cadre of people who are prepared to serve, we need Conservatives who are prepared to fight, and we need grass roots people who will back real Conservatives, and put real pressure on Conservative MPs to be Conservative"
"We've got a massive problem with immigration in Britain but we cannot deport immigrants because the left is fighting us in the courts. So we need Conservatives who are prepared to overturn that"
SB, "Nigel Farage said you're going to have a radical Islamic party have seats in the next election. Is that true?"
LT, "There's going to be a by-election in the next few weeks and there could be a radical Islamic party win in that byelection"
SB, "You're saying an Islamic radical party in a couple of weeks.. Is it one of these midland urban areas?"
LT, "Rochdale"
SB, "The one that had the rape situation, the grooming? In that community you may have a radical jihadist party send someone to the House of Commons?"
LT, "That is correct"
SB, "How are you going to save a country with that chain of events?"
LT, "The vast majority of Britons don't want this to happen. They don't want to be a country that is subject to Islamic terrorism. A country that backs Hamas. We have to reflect the people of Britain's views. That's why we need to take on these extreme leftists"
"We haven't done enough to crack down on the pro Hamas marches. We haven't done enough to crack down on environmental extremists. You can't triangulate with terrorists, you've got to take them on"
SB, "I really feel for the UK"
LT, "We're going to save it.. My book is about telling the people the truth about what's going on in Britain, why things aren't working"
SB, "Is she tough enough to turn Britain around?"
LT, "I need a few more friends to be frank, I need a few more people to help me.. Steve if you could come over to Britain"
SB, "I may be banned in Britain"
LT, "Would you work with Nigel Farage to restructure the Tory party?"
SB, "I will work with whoever it takes to make our country successful.. And Nigel, I would like him to become a member of the Conservative party and help turn our country around"