That really isn't true. Inevitably there will be a SNat/Lab coalition at Holyrood in 2026. The current shite is powered by SNat grifter fear of a wipeout at the GE. Where else will these useless cunts get paid like this? Slippers and Bunter are currently attempting a greasy slide into the Lords/the speakers chair.
Just to add to the festivity the party SNats face bankruptcy without the Westminster short money. Hopefully we'll have criminal trials galore this year to keep us all distracted from our fried mars bars.
Edit to add.. remember that the Punjabi progressives went to the same fee paying school. Not such an odd couple.
There is no prospect of working with the SNP for this Labour Leadership.
Few Tory MPs are serious. Most are out jobhunting.
Apart from Leyla Moran, I thought all the other LibDems are forming a (silent) human shield for Ed Davie over his Horizon indifference.