Going south at the bottom of Blackfriars bridge by the lights this evening, there was a yellow ortlieb pannier sitting on the pavement. I went and picked it up and since no one ran over I assumed the owner wasn’t around. I had a look for something to ID them but just a change of clothes, lock and water bottle inside. Thought the best bet was to leave it hung up tied to the button bit of the pedestrian crossing and the owner would find it retracing their route. Surely you would realise one of your panniers had fallen off? It was heavy with a D lock in.
Going south at the bottom of Blackfriars bridge by the lights this evening, there was a yellow ortlieb pannier sitting on the pavement. I went and picked it up and since no one ran over I assumed the owner wasn’t around. I had a look for something to ID them but just a change of clothes, lock and water bottle inside. Thought the best bet was to leave it hung up tied to the button bit of the pedestrian crossing and the owner would find it retracing their route. Surely you would realise one of your panniers had fallen off? It was heavy with a D lock in.