It is way more fun without the head tube extender... Raising up the bar height definitely helped getting weight further behind the saddle to help avoid the front wheel from diving on the loose stuff... On the pavement it was more of a buzz kill. I was really into the narrow/shallow midg' style bars. Especially on road in the open, riding in the drops so close to the ground just made more sense.. Eating wind is my biggest peave about flat/riser bars
I've ordered a maxxis dth tire in 20x1.38 to add tread and increase traction on the front. I finalized my decision after seeing them on the mini argo thread.. I hope it is hard wearing enough to run as a back tire... Might order a second to size up and match the 20x1.8 currently
I've had a few days to tinker with fit... Drops can now be engaged