in my head, its more that the 'lawn' would be more heavily planted/disrupted in the area I've labelled 'wildflowers'. We're not fussed about having a proper lawn, its a smaller garden than my drawing makes it looks, my OH just wants somewhere to sling the lounger. Definitely going to involve some cosmos, that's a great shout, we've got some mixed in with erigeron in containers already.
@hugo7 your input in this thread lately is mainly what's got me thinking about it properly, decided it was time to write some shit down!
in my head, its more that the 'lawn' would be more heavily planted/disrupted in the area I've labelled 'wildflowers'. We're not fussed about having a proper lawn, its a smaller garden than my drawing makes it looks, my OH just wants somewhere to sling the lounger. Definitely going to involve some cosmos, that's a great shout, we've got some mixed in with erigeron in containers already.
@hugo7 your input in this thread lately is mainly what's got me thinking about it properly, decided it was time to write some shit down!