• I've managed a couple of hours with the telescope over the last couple of nights and managed to get the moon this evening for the first time, I just love the result.

    I haven't looked at any of these images in Photoshop on a big monitor yet, they look impressive on a phone but the resolution isn't very high. But for the price you're paying I still think this telescope is a great deal, a brilliant introduction to astrophotography.

    Here's an image stacked from a five minute RAW video, this was so much fun. I've upped the contrast a tiny bit in Android Photoshop but it's pretty much straight out of the Seestar. 👀

  • Here's a couple more then, the Sombrero Galaxy from last night and another Orion Nebula from tonight. I went a bit mad on the filters on these two. 🤩


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