just fitted the 35mm slick and it clears like a dream, so I'll run that for a while. here's a pic from the test ride yesterday - very stoked! rides super smooth and comfortable for my janky left arm with the swept back choco bars.
Still a few things to add / change - waiting on the rack bolts so I can fit the Nitto m12 front rack and not use the little restrap bar bag. I'm really tempted to buy the Nitto NR-21 bag support, but the Carradice bagman support will suffice. Also need to fully re-wrap the bars for multiple hand positions. Pedals are a placeholder, I tend to run spd's when I know I'm riding all day, and swap to flats for commuting and running around town. The MKS Sylvan Gordito's are a strong contender. Might replace the rear brake housing as it was an old one that's quite scuffed up, a spot of tinkering for the bar end shifter tension wouldn't go a miss either. New brake pads will arrive with the rack bolts and a frame pump. I also have a set of original decals from H Lloyd Cycles ready to go. But none of that is urgent, I just want to get out and explore!
just fitted the 35mm slick and it clears like a dream, so I'll run that for a while. here's a pic from the test ride yesterday - very stoked! rides super smooth and comfortable for my janky left arm with the swept back choco bars.
Still a few things to add / change - waiting on the rack bolts so I can fit the Nitto m12 front rack and not use the little restrap bar bag. I'm really tempted to buy the Nitto NR-21 bag support, but the Carradice bagman support will suffice. Also need to fully re-wrap the bars for multiple hand positions. Pedals are a placeholder, I tend to run spd's when I know I'm riding all day, and swap to flats for commuting and running around town. The MKS Sylvan Gordito's are a strong contender. Might replace the rear brake housing as it was an old one that's quite scuffed up, a spot of tinkering for the bar end shifter tension wouldn't go a miss either. New brake pads will arrive with the rack bolts and a frame pump. I also have a set of original decals from H Lloyd Cycles ready to go. But none of that is urgent, I just want to get out and explore!